Getting involved at Branch Level
Like any volunteer organisation the local Conservative Branch can only be strong and effective if it has a group of active members. If you wish to take part in your local branch you can get involved with campaigning at a number of levels depending upon the amount of time you wish to spend.
As a Branch Committee Member
Every local branch is responsible for building up membership, raising money, communicating with the electorate and campaigning to win elections. Each Branch is run by a local Committee of enthusiasts who will carry out a number of important tasks.
Our new Superbranch Structure
Local branches have always been the life and soul of the Association. However, over the years, many existing branches have closed down, leaving the majority of members without a local branch. Although we hope to increase the number of branches over time, we have decided to consolidate members into 5 ‘super branches’. These are Malvern, South Western, Tenbury, Pershore and the Worcester Belt. These newly expanded and active branches will now have a much larger group of members and should ensure that future events are better attended and more successful. It will also give members a better opportunity to engage with a wider range of Councillors and prospective Candidates.
To find out which ‘super branch’ you belong to please click on the links below.