Dear Member
I am privileged to have been elected as Chairman of West Worcestershire Conservative Association and look forward to working with an outstanding team of officers. With Harry Tanner, Lucy Hodgson and Paul Selway-Swift continuing as officers, I am sure any transition will be smooth.
As the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions begin to ease, we will be able to gradually resume our campaigning and fundraising programme. With District Council Elections and the General Election last year, the Association’s funds are in need of replenishment and as such we have a number of fundraising initiatives under consideration. Next May will see County Council Elections and the election of the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner. The selection process for the County Council Elections is already underway.
The new officer team has already met via Zoom and in addition to the above will prepare a Strategy Plan which will include a review of our Branch Structure, promote our Patrons Club, extend our Policy Form, develop our Business Forum, consider ways of increasing our Membership and in particular, Young Conservatives Membership, and develop additional ways of communicating with you our Members and indeed the wider public.
Together with other officers, I will keep you updated with the changes and progress we are making. We have undergone a difficult time in our Party during the last twelve months but we now have a new Leader, a new government and despite Covid 19, a new sense of purpose.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the Party and West Worcestershire Conservative Association. Without you and Members like you across the country there would be no Conservative Party. Our MP Harriett Baldwin gave us an upbeat and positive message at our AGM. The coming months may have their challenges but there is much to look forward to in the years ahead.
With Kind Regards
David Chambers
Chairman, West Worcestershire Conservative Association